Sexual Heath, Spanish Fly and the College Student

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activesexlifeAs a college student, there are a number of things to worry about. The never ending load of schoolwork, spending time with boyfriends or girlfriends, parents who miss you, but just won’t let up sometimes, and, of course, pressure from friends. However, one important aspect of life that young people tend to not think about is their sexual heath. There are several ways you can stay healthy in this important aspect of your body.

Also don’t forget about enhancing your sexual life with specific type of aphrodisiac. If you don’t mind I will gladly introduce you one of the best – Spanish Fly. It is possible that you never heard about this type of libido booster but let me explain you something, spanish fly could be the best weapon in your bedroom.

There are two types of spanish fly:

  1. Green beetle used in ancient times as an aphrodisiac. Yes it is working but is super dangerous and is not sold anywhere on this planet. Is simply outdated and very unhealthy. Definitely not worth the risk. If you want to read more about spanish fly just check this site.
  2. The second one is modern aphrodisiac created and tested in modern lab. The name of this is : Spanish Fly Pro. It is 100% herbal and tested. From my honest experience it is working much better than any food aphrodisiac or music, romantic movie. Really this is another level!

Helpful Tips!

  1. Abstinence: Obviously this choice is the safest and most efficient way to stay sexually healthy. If you’re not having sex, there isn’t much risk. (Don’t be fooled by the common idea that sex is only intercourse; you can get STDs in all kinds of ways.)
  2. Don’t have sex with people you don’t know: So you’re at this party, and you meet this really cute guy/girl….and, it all happened from there. Don’t be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Always, always, always be aware of your surroundings. If you don’t know a person, how would you know his or her sexual background? Scary, huh?
  3. Wear a condom: If you are sexually active, use a condom. It’s that simple. Whether you know the person or not, it’s always good to be safe. Is the convenience really worth Chlamydia? Probably not.
  4. Limit the number of people you have sex with: Most people understand that not everyone has a significant other, and for guys especially, limiting sexual partners can be a hard thing to do. Think of it this way: The more partners you have, the more at risk you are for getting an STD and a broken heart.
  5. Don’t be afraid to get checked out: Let’s say you haven’t taken any of the previous precautions, or maybe you have, and you see something strange down below. If you’re concerned and you know it’s not normal, go get checked! There are handfuls of free clinics around college campuses for this very reason, and almost all of them are completely confidential. It’s much better to know, because there are quite a few STDs that can be treated fairly easily if you catch them at an early stage. The sooner, the better!

With that said, there are several STDs that you should be able to recognize. Here are the most common ones:

Syphilis– This is transmitted by sexual intercourse. There are three stages of syphilis, the first being recognized by a hard sore, but eventually the sore will go away. Then, moving into the second stage of syphilis, the person will experience a fever, swollen lymph nodes, rash, and possible involvement with the liver. That’s why this disease is often called the “great imitator.” Many of these symptoms are not distinguishable from other diseases. By the third stage, it’s too late. Syphilis is actually deadly. If left alone, it will end up destroying the blood vessels in your brain. One reason why you should get checked out as soon as possible!

Gonorrhea– This is the second most frequently reported STD in the United States. In females, the symptoms include abdominal pain and burning urination, however, about 50% of females don’t even show symptoms of this. Many don’t know they have it at all, and that’s how it is spread. This disease can cause Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in women. This disease affects the fallopian tubes and can lead to sterility. In males, symptoms include very painful burning urination and discharge.

Chlamydia– This is the number one STD causing urethritis. The organism that causes Chlamydia can only grow in living tissue, so once it’s there, it wants to be there. The symptoms for this disease are similar to gonorrhea, only milder; therefore it is even more difficult to tell if you have it.

Genital Herpes– This disease, caused by the Herpes Simplex virus, can be passed from a person just through contact with the herpes sores, and most people do not know they have it. There is no cure for herpes, but there are several medications that can defer the symptoms. Even if your partner shows no signs of an infection, you can still get herpes. That’s why it’s so important to take the necessary precautions.

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) – These are most commonly known as genital warts. HPV is the number one STD in the United States today. There is now a vaccine for this disease as an attempt to reduce the number of people who have it, so talk to your doctor about what you can do.

Hepatitis B– This is the type of hepatitis is transmitted by direct contact with body fluids, like blood and semen. It can eventually lead to severe and permanent liver damage.

HIV/AIDS– The result of this virus is essentially death. This can be transmitted through sex, but can also be transmitted by blood and infected breast milk. The earliest symptoms of this are fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. Again, prevention is extremely important, and knowing who you’re having sex with is too. If at all possible, get checked out before having sex with a potential partner, and make sure they have been tested as well. Know about yourself and if you do have something, be honest with your partner and take the necessary precautions.

Sexual health is something that is important to pay attention to, especially in an environment like a college campus where it is a very real thing. Abstinence is the sure way to be safe, but if you are sexually active, make sure you are protecting yourself. Appreciate who you are and have confidence in yourself! If you feel like you’re in a bad situation, don’t be afraid to say no. Follow your instinct. Take good care of your body, because you have it for life!

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